Autumn is the time of year for wearing rich, warm colours; hot chocolate lips, pumpkin spice eyes and brisk walk flush to the cheeks!
However, these colours can be regarded as scary, hard to apply and gothic. Yes, they can be all of these, if you want them to be, but used correctly and simply they can look amazing. Day or night!
I’m going to show you a basic autumn eye, which teamed with a bold lip is perfect for an evening out (or, if you’re like me, every day). Alternatively, off set it with a more neutral lip for a toned down day look.
Let us begin.
You will need three shades of eyeshadow; light, medium and dark. I’m using my Makeup Obsession palette (available at These are brilliant as you personalise it by choosing your own colours. Don’t worry, I shall list all the colours I use.
The first colour I chose was Mood. This should be applied on your lower lid, using a wide blending brush, and up to your socket bone.
NB I have slightly hooded eyes so take my colours a little higher, but if you have a defined socket then use the natural line.

The second colour is applied to the socket line again, but this time only covering around half of the eyelid, working from outer corner and working inwards.
I used Chocolate Cream for this.

Now for the darkest, and some might think scariest, of the three shades.
My words of wisdom are, start with a little and build until you are happy!
Using a thinner brush, take this shade, in my case Oak, and apply starting at the outer corner. Follow your socket line about a quarter of the way along your eye, then blend using your original brush and circular motions
If you want the finished look to be more dramatic, take the darker shade and fill in the eyelid underneath where you’ve just lined. Blend into the other colours, and repeat if necessary.

Using the same shade, take a liner brush and take all the way under the lower lashes, stopping short of the inner corner.
The thicker the line the more dramatic the look!
However, if you have small eyes you may only want to take it about a quarter of the way across and keep it quite thin.

The next step is very similar to the last, but using a black pencil eyeliner instead of powder.
On the upper lid, starting from the outer corner, line to about half way across your eye then mirror this on the lower lash. Remember to taper the line off as you get closer to the inner corner.
You can set these lines with the same colour eyeshadow if you’d like a deeper finish.

And there you are.
Just add a slick of mascara, lipstick and maybe some false lashes and your autumnal look is achieved.
Obviously you don’t need to use exactly the same colours, but whichever you choose the application stays the same.
The most important part is to have fun and don’t be afraid to experiment xxx